
10 Movie Reviews

4 w/ Responses


the representation of being a child with autism and the non-verbal storytelling are phenomenal. as someone on the spectrum, this is the most accurate media portrayal I've ever seen. thank you for promoting awareness and helping autistic and neurodiverse people be better understood

AwkwardTom responds:

thank you so much!!! that's very validating!

this is awesome!

the face in between clicks actually caught me off guard haha

this was definitely something i needed to watch. hit close to home and was very comforting. loved the sound design, music, and animation. great work!

good animation and art style. my only real criticism is that the punchlines in a lot of these aren't as strong always. the "cop out" style of comedy can be really funny, but your strengths from what I've seen are more with slapstick and expressions (ex. girls like assholes) so I'd like to see more of that personally. overall though, I do like this series, keep it up!

great design and animation! the gray guy almost made me jump a little lol

put the ketchup on the tator tot and then share it with the bully

laughed out loud

great animation as well!

SoraNgin responds:

Thank you very much! :D

holy shit this animation is so smooth! great sound design too. just wish it was a bit longer with more of a story. keep it up!

PencilKiller responds:

Cheers bro! :D

I like the art style and the mix of animation/video footage. The sound design/music could've been better as it kind of either came off as loud and harsh sounding or didn't work as effectively to evoke the emotion I imagine you were going for. Also the colored lighting in some of the trees was kind of jarring and could've been toned back a bit. I don't understand the ending, but that may just be me missing something. Overall, the style is interesting, but I would work on those things to capture the mood a bit better.

MattWCook responds:

Thanks for the concise and constructive critique. Yeah, sound design is definitely my biggest weakness right now

one of the best NG submissions ever. amazing work!

Age 27


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